Florida Online Traffic School Delivery Options

Florida Online Traffic School Delivery Options

Comedy Driving Traffic School provides an immediate download of your certificate at the end of the course at NO additional charge. Don't have a printer? Choose to have a physical copy of your certificate delivered via one of the florida online traffic school delivery options below.


301 Moved Permanently

Moved Permanently

The document has moved here.


  • Provided as a PDF for immediate printing, and a copy will be e-mailed to you.

  • This option is free, and is our standard delivery option.

Regular Mail

Additional $5.00
  • Regular Mail – Sent via First Class U.S. Mail.

  • A copy of the certificate will still be provided for download and e-mail.

  • General delivery time of First Class U.S. mail is 4-8 days (not guaranteed).


(There are no pickups or deliveries on the weekends or holidays)

New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday
Washington’s Birthday (Presidents Day)
Memorial Day
Independence Day (Fourth of July)
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Black Friday (Day After Thanksgiving)
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

Comedy Driving Traffic School cannot be held liable for loss, damage or delay of packages caused by events we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority.

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Florida State Approved

Only $7.50